This is not a normal article and is pegged at someone entirely new to the game. As such it is very much not for my usual readers. I am sure there is better learning material out there but I failed to find it... So, what is Magic and how do we play?
It is a game where two or more powerful wizards played by you and your opponents, or planeswalkers as they are called, fight it out. Mostly the game is played one against one and so I will assume that for the rest of the article. There are indeed many variations you can play and enjoy but I will only be looking at the standard incarnation of the game.
To defeat you opponent you typically reduce their life total to zero although other less common win conditions exist such as running your opponent out of cards (called decking), getting them to 10 poison counters, or just using a card that states the game is won or lost as part of what it does. Life totals start at 20 and can go up or down. You each take turns made up of a number of phases passing back and forth until a winner is found.
To start a game you will need a deck of cards which is usually 60 cards but can be set at a number of other limits. You are always allowed to play more than the limit of cards which might sound good but almost never is as you are also limited on the copies you can include of most types of cards. Typically this is one copy of a card or four copies. With decking being such a rare way to lose you are best off with the smallest deck you are allowed so as to maximize your chance of seeing your best cards.
Cards break down into two main groups, lands and spells. Lands are used to play spells and spells do the bulk of the things. You start by shuffling up your deck, determining a starting player at random and then drawing seven random cards. Each turn you draw a card and have the option to lay a new land and that is the fundamentals covered!
The game has some area of play or zones. You have your deck or library which just sits in a face down pile in front of you. You have your hand which is hidden from your opponent but visible to you. There is the "battlefield" which is where cards exist while in play and this takes up most of the physical room the game needs although starts out empty. There is a discard pile called the "graveyard". Cards may also be removed from the game entirely which is called being "exiled" and is rather more permanent than the graveyard is! These also both start with no cards in them.
Spells are "cast" but land is "played" which is a minor technical difference but it does tie in nicely with lands having no casting cost. Remember you can only play one land per turn. This means under normal circumstances you can expect to have one mana per turn per land you have. This is because mana generated from lands needs to be used fairly quickly else it will just get wasted. Mana is not something you can stockpile, you have to stockpile things that produce it if you want to do that.
assuming you make a land every turn you will have one mana on turn one, two on turn two and so on. Mana is obviously the main currency of the game and the way in which you do stuff. The more stuff you do the better your ability to win and so having mana is important. This simple dynamic of starting with cards, drawing a card a turn and being able to lay a land each turn determines a huge amount of things in the game. It dictates both the number of total lands you want in your deck and the range of costs you want to have in your spells and much more besides.
With mana and lands being such a big part of the game there is a bunch of terminology, both technical and slang, that is of use. With cards being drawn at random from your deck or "library" a lot rides on you having the right amount of mana at the right time and this is not always as under your control as you might like. Too few lands and you will not have enough mana to cast your spells, too many and you will not have enough spells to cast and simply run out of things to do. Hitting the perfect balance of spells to lands is the aim. When you get too few lands it is called a mana screw. When you get too many it is called a flood. These are usually the games where it is outside of your control. Wins or losses outside of screw and flood are the result of skill or a mismatching of decks.
On the basis that you roughly want to play a land and cast a spell each turn you will have run out of cards by turn seven or eight depending on if you went first or not. Going first is an advantage in almost all cases and so to offset this the first player does not draw a card on the first turn. This means that while they have a tempo advantage they are down seven to eight on cards from the outset. These are the two metrics the game is fought over, tempo and card advantage. The aggressor plays the tempo game and the control player the card advantage game. This is determined mostly by the decks the players have and the state of the game and barely ever due to who is the starting player. It is usually because both players have the same or similar deck if that the case. Both card advantage and tempo are still great things to have regardless of your role in a game.
Returning to my claim earlier about running out of cards by turn seven or eight which is not at all indicative of a game of Magic! Such things would require a split of lands to spells of 50/50 to statistically achieve that. Most decks want to aim either side of that mark. Either they will aim to be able to carry on doing stuff for ten, twenty turns, no trouble or perhaps they will be trying to have won the game in the region of turns four to six. In the former case you will need cards that draw you extra cards and that will mean you don't need to have quite as many as 50% lands to consistently make them. The alternative is playing cheaper cards and fewer lands with the intent of only getting to your third land or so reliably each game by turn three and then perhaps only getting to four lands total, infrequently by turn four. This means you compensate for your weaker cheaper spells by having more of them and getting them out quicker. This is another great way of determining if your deck is an aggressive one or a control one.
Let us dip back to the phases of a turn before continuing with types of spell. There are five phases within a player's turn three of which contain some steps within them. Many steps and phases are passed through with no effect unless specific cards or games states require that they are used. While there are five phases with steps within them I am going to talk about the steps in the "begging" phase as if they were phases as they are slightly more distinct than the other steps. They are, in the order that they happen; The untap step where you untap all of your permanent cards on the battlefield. Then there is the upkeep step which is a period where many card will state an effect occurs but nothing happens there otherwise. Next up is the draw step where you draw a card from the top of your library. These three steps make up the begging phase but the terminology is not super important, just the order and the effects. Then there is the first half of your main phase. In this phase you may lay land and cast any spells you wish to. Following that there is the combat phase in which creature cards will attack, block and do damage to things. Then there is the second main phase where all the same things are again possible. You don't get a second land drop but if you didn't already use your land drop for the turn you can use it in this phase if you like. The two halves of the main phase are denoted "precombat" and "postcombat" for obvious reasons. Typically it is best to play things in the post combat main phase so as to deny opponents information for the combat phase but this is reasonably high level and not as simple as I have made it sound. Lastly we have the end phase in which any "until end of turn" effects fall off and you must discard down to seven cards. This latter thing rarely happens as you are playing more than you are drawing. It is usually only when you are mana screwed that you wind up discarding down to seven cards. While the end step is a bit like the upkeep step in that under normal circumstances nothing is going on in them however both can be fairly key stages of the game due to instant spells and effects.
Let us have a quick look at the five colours of Magic now. They are what gives the game it's elegance and character. Each colour has things it does well and things it does poorly as well as things only it really does at all. You are not restricted by how many colours you play but playing more will come at the cost of consistency. For each additional colour you wish to include in your deck you will need to ensure you have not only the mana to cast your spells but also the right colours of mana for them too. Remembering that basic lands only produce one colour of mana and that non-basic lands come with drawbacks and are not unrestricted in the amount you can play. The flip side of this consistency cost is that you have more cards to chose from to build your deck with so there will be more synergies between cards and more powerful cards overall too. A deck with only red sources of mana can only play red spells but it will never not have the right colours of mana.
White is the colour or law and order. It does healing, damage prevention and protection effects very well. It excels at removing things from play regardless of their type! White has very efficient small creatures but less in the way of bigger things, those tend to be angels and they tend to be medium size but airborn flyers! White is not the good guys or anything like that, there is a good and bad side to all the colours if you want to think of it like that. The negative elements of white in a flavour sense are authoritarian, over zealous, restrictive and the like. In a mechanical sense their limitations are being poor at directly generating card advantage and having very little in the way of card quality or draw selection.
Black is the colour of sacrifice and ambition. It often uses your own life total as an additional resource pool with which to play and empower cards and effects. Black is great at killing creatures and great at disrupting the hands of your opponent. Black has many zombies, demons and vampires! It is good at getting dead creatures back into play from the graveyard somewhat unsurprisingly! Black is poor at dealing with artifacts and enchantments but that isn't really the weakness of the colour. That is a more ethereal concept. The way black cards work and feel is just a little restrictive and awkward and that is what the colour struggles with. On paper the colour is one of the most well rounded and powerful.
Lastly we have red, the colour of chaos, madness and recklessness. The colour of lust and emotion. Red has a lot to do with fire and lightning as well it turns out. Red has the best tempo in the game as well as being the only colour that does much direct damage. Red has a lot of cards that just do damage to certain types of target and this is very powerful. It lets you efficiently deal with smaller creatures in the early game and then use it to finish off your opponents in the late game. Red is perhaps the most linear colour in that so much of the effects and flavour of the colour is damage but what with dealing 20 damage to your opponent being the primary way of winning the game this is no bad things for red. Red is great at dealing with small creatures but struggles with the bigger ones.
All cards explicitly state what they do on them and are essentially their own little amendment to the rules. If you know the basics of the game then the cards will tell you all you need to know beyond that. A lot of things that cards do however are defined by what are called keywords. These are a single word that describes an ability or mechanism that the card has and it is used to save space in the text box and time in reading and understanding what a card does. The most common of the keywords are creature abilities. I shall cover a few of the more common ones.
Haste - a creature with haste my attack or tap to do an effect on the turn it enters play. It is unaffected by "summoning sickness". Creatures with haste are an example of something you will typically want to play in your pre-combat main phase so that they can attack right away.
First Strike - a creature with first strike does damage before other creatures in combat. This means a 2/1 creature with first strike will kill a 3/2 creature and survive to tell the tale. First striking creatures can eliminate other creatures in combat before they get to deal damage.
Vigilance - a creature with vigilance does not tap to attack and can therefore also block for you in your opponents turn. A tapped creature with vigilance is still unable to attack.
Trample - a creature with trample will deal excess damage as if unblocked. If I attack you with a 5/5 trample and you block with a 2/2 then I will kill your 2/2 with two damage and then three will still hit you in the face.
Reach - a creature with reach can block a creature with flying. It does not however grant any evasive bonus.
Lifelink - damage done by a creature with lifelink will heal the card's controller for the same value.
Deathtouch - a creature with deathtouch will always kill another creature that it deals any damage to regardless of toughness.
Doublestrike - a creature with doublestrike will deal both first strike and normal combat damage. This means it has effectively twice as much power as it's power stat indicates.
Defender - a creature with defender cannot attack.
Menace - if a creature with menace is to be blocked it must be blocked by more than one creature or not at all.
Hexproof - this can be on things beyond just creatures and it simply means that it cannot be targetted by opponents.
Indestructible - does roughly what it sounds like it does! There are a number of get arounds of course but any conventional damage based destruction or any card saying "destroy" will not work on something that is indestructible.
Flash - this is an ability that affects casting and allows you to play the card at any time you could play an instant despite the card type it has.
Protection (from) - cards that have protection from something cannot be dealt damage by those things, blocked by those things, or targetted by those things. It might be a colour, a creature types, or even a card type that protection is granted from.
Scry X - this is an action you perform right away or at the described time that affords information and card selection. To scry you look at the top X cards of your library. You may put any number of those (that you do not want to draw) to the bottom of your library and put any remaining cards back on top in any order. Scry affords no tempo or card gains but it greatly increases your consistency and is a very useful ability. It is also very skill intensive to scry effectively.
Tokens can also be produced by cards. These are things that represent cards in play that are permanents but not cards. A card might create a 2/2 zombie token which would function exactly the same as a 2/2 creature card until it leaves play. They only exist in play and are unable to be put into hands, libraries or graveyards. They cease to exist as far as the game is concerned once out of play. They can be represented any old way you like from dice to face down cards to purpose made tokens. Emblems are a rarer form of token that cause an effect on the game and they cannot be removed in any way at all (presently). Typically these are only created by planeswalkers and very infrequently at that. Tokens on the other hand are a common aspect of the game and will be made by a lot of different cards.
If at the start of the game you are unhappy with your hand you may take a mulligan. You reshuffle your hand into your library and redraw seven cards. You can continue to mulligan potentially up to seven times although it is impractical after about three goes as once you have settled on a hand you need to take a number of cards from your accepted hand and place them on the bottom of your library. Starting with a hand of less than four cards is really hard to from regardless of skill or matchup .The cost of mulliganing is a reduced starting hand size. The card cost is significant but no where near the significance of having a good mix of lands and spells so you can actually do stuff. The vast majority of mulligan decisions are made based on the land spell ratio and the cost of the spells you have drawn. Three lands and four spells is usually a pretty good place to be but all Mountains and blue spells means you won't be casting much either. You could also have four red cards that all cost five or more mana which again means you cannot actually do anything for too long. You would generally mulligan both of these three land hand examples I have given. Typically you will find people mulligan most hands with 0, 1, 5, 6, or 7 lands in them although knowing what deck you are facing and how your own functions will have an impact on this.
Now for our last bit of mechanical discussion - the stack! This is how we deal with the playing of cards and abilities that can be done at any time but in a game that is turn based. Spells and abilities go on the stack which is an imaginary pile of things that help us work out what is going to happen. When I cast a spell or use an ability a stack is generated and my spell goes into it as the first card. At this point my opponent gets a chance to respond with things that can be done at "instant speed". If they do not then my spell will resolve as intended and do its thing or be put into play on the battlefield. If however they do wish to do something then whatever that thing is will be placed on the stack next. If their action prompts you into more instant speed action then you will continue to build on this stack of things. When nobody has anything further they wish to do the stack will resolve from top to bottom, or last in first out way. There is a mechanism for who has priority and the passing of this priority so we know when it is our turn to put things on the stack but all this will be far easier to appreciate in game with examples and context and so I shall end this introduction here. This should be enough information to dive into a game and continue learning on the job so to speak.
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