This list is simple enough in what it is trying to do that you could easily replace any of the exert or support cards with other cube aggressive staples. I imagine few cubes will have the narrower exert cards in this list but you really don't need them. The great thing about this deck is that basically all the cards are good solid stand alone cards. The bonus synergies they have are all for free.
With the Always watching this list has less reason to use token generation than most other white aggressive lists. Boros decks are typically either weenie decks, token decks or burn decks. This is unusual in that it is very zoo like. The dorks are generally pretty able to attack in this list and when exerted are easily the power of zoo stuff. As such this list is packing far less removal than you normally find in this colour pairing. It simply won't need to clear the path as often as other Boros decks do to get through the damage.
Bloodlust Inciter
Gideon's Lawkeeper
Path to Exile
Forked Bolt
Kytheon, Hero of Akros
Soldier of the Pantheon
Town Gossipmonger
Thraben Inspector
Glory-Bound Initiate
Gust Walker
Battlefield Scavenger
Nef-Crop Entangler
Selfless Spirit
Unexpectedly Absent
Khenra Earthshaker
Oketra's Avenger
Ahn-Crop Crasher
Always Watching
Devoted Crop-Mate / Combat Celebrant
Ajani Goldmane
Restoration Angel
16 Lands
This list looks very fair indeed. It contains few premium high pick things and would be fairly easy to replicate in drafts. Despite it looking pretty fair this list also looks brutally effective. It has far fewer weaknesses than RDW, white weenie or the usual things in between those archetypes. This is probably slower than most but the momentum this deck gets going seems much harder to stop. This list looks like it would perform very well in my cube meta with basically no bad matchups and plenty of good ones. When a synergy is so potent it propels a themed version of a somewhat existing archetype to the forefront it often leads to a number the support cards and in this case the lower power level exert things to actually find a home in cube.
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