This will be the white weenie version rather than the infinite life combo. It is quite the interesting deck. It is essentially a less powerful white weenie deck that has some free wins. In a meta with some midrange creature decks, an aggressive red deck and combo decks that have a cap on how much damage they can deal with their combo (Charbelcher, Illusions of Grandeur, Sutured Ghoul, Erratic Explosion etc) then this take on a white weenie deck will have a huge edge over a conventional list. While this will goldfish kill slower than your normal white weenie deck it still has all the strengths of the deck. It is super consistent being a proactive mono list and having a relatively low and smooth curve. It will punish decks that get bad starts or some kind of screw. It will get wins by going wide or by going past with evasion. It will get wins with good curve draws or a standout card in the matchup such as Spectral Procession or Mother of Runes. White weenie is somewhat of a free wins deck as it is and so this build really does capitalize on that by significantly increasing the potential for it to get free wins. This makes some good sense what with this being the strongest (and only viable?) of the white weenie options in modern. Sadly the majority of the cards on this list are not good stand alone cards and so this doesn't feel like an archetype you can ever really support in a drafting cube. As a strategy for a rotisserie or other more constructed and open card pool event it seems like a great trick to have in the arsenal.
Despite being a heavy synergy deck with quite a defined set of cards in constructed formats it seems to have translated into singleton well. There is a bit of extra redundancy you can put up with to make up the numbers as well as some relatively on theme conventional gems. As with all first outings I am keeping this simple. There are some really nice options for this list in black and ultimately that is probably the most powerful way to go. Black has some payoff cards for having high life which is ideal. It also has plenty of things you can pay life to do and this Pandora's Box of possibility and potential counter-synergy is a big part of my wanting to try out a mono white list to get a handle on things before experimenting further afield! Here is my proposed list;
Serra Ascendant
Soul's Attendant
Soul Warden
Martyr of Sands
Legions Landing
Soldier of the Pantheon
Mardu Woe Reaper
Mother of Runes
Sword to Plowshares
Auriok Champion
Ajani's Pridemate
Lone Missionary
Suture Priest
Serene Steward
Honor the Pure
Proclamation of Rebirth
Spectral Procession
Ajani Goldmane
Faith's Fetters
Ranger of Eos
Archangel of Thune
Crested Sunmare
Felidar Soveriegn
16 Lands
Kabira Cross Roads
Windbrisk Heights
14 Plains
So the core of the deck is the same core as the modern builds, that being -
Serra Ascendant
Soul's Attendant
Soul Warden
Auriok Champion
Ajani's Pridemate
Spectral Procession
Ranger of Eos
Archangel of Thune
Ascendant, Archangel and Pridemate are the best payoff cards for lifegain in this kind of deck. I was concerned that this would be the limiting aspect of the deck, not having enough payoff to merit having all the weaker lifegain cards. Several things add up to make this not seem like an issue. Firstly there are a bunch of OK lifegain payoff cards I padded things out a bit with. There are some pretty weak ones as well like Test of Endurance which seemed too deep and bad! Secondly, you have a bit of tutoring and recursion for your Ascendant, which being the cheapest of the lot is generally going to be the biggest player. I would consider Recruiter of the Guard for more tutoring before turning to any of the weaker payoff cards. Lastly, the mere fact you are perpetually gaining life will be enough in itself. You won't always need a payoff for your lifegain in cube for it to win the game. Something like an Izzet tempo list simply won't have enough legs in its whole deck to win a game if you gain a couple of life every turn against it.
Ranger of Eos seems pretty important in this list, more so than in the modern version. A source of value and the ability to find a wide selection of relevant cards. He seems so good it makes me want to play Recruiter of the Guard even more but you probably then need to run Aether Vial or something to support it all.
Suture Priest is the 4th sister in this list who isn't good enough for the modern versions. She is quite a lot weaker than the others but I think still worth it given your aim and synergies. Marty of Sands is a bit of an odd one. She was part of a different sort of modern deck than the Soul Sisters setup. While both lists have some overlap the Martyr list is much more of a lockout control deck. It would use Proclamation of Rebirth and Emeria, the Sky Ruin to have ongoing access to the Martyr and then it would use cards like Squadron Hawk to ensure a lot of life was gained each sacrifice. The soul sisters list, both this cube one and the modern ones, have less in the way of hand refill and are more inclined towards developing a board both of which hit the value of Martyr pretty hard. I think she is still worth it overall in my list but she is one of the more cuttable things. I like the ability to get a massive early bump in life to turn on an Ascendant. I like the ability to have an instant lifegain trigger on the board as well. The tutoring and recursion of one drops in this list all help empower Martyr too.
At the top end we have Crested Sunmare and Felidar Sovereign doing their best to be Archanagles two and three. Sunmare is powerful in this list, you should be able to trigger it the turn you make it and perhaps even deny your opponent the ability to make dorks else incur a total of 15/15 worth of horses coming at them! While powerful it is not a great finisher card being fairly slow and having no evasion. It has less immediate impact than Archangel as well. Mostly the Sunmare will draw out removal but it should leave a 5/5 token behind which is still fine. The Sovereign is a bit more awkward. It has minimal impact and is a six drop. In a 16 land deck with basically no draw in it you are looking at about a 40% chance of having six lands on turn six, a bit over 50% for turn seven. It is a bad body for the mana, it is pretty easy to kill, it is going to come much later than other people's top end and there is a very real chance you have no where near 40 life nor look like getting there even if you do manage to get it to stick on the board. It does say win the game on it and it isn't a dud otherwise. It is useful to have a stalemate breaker and nothing breaks a stalemate quite like a card with actual win the game text on it. I imagine the best the card will be will all be at the hands of Windbrisk Heights.
Another cute addition is Faith's Fetters and it is probably just inferior to Cast Out, Council's Judgement or Unexpectedly Absent. I felt like I needed some general purpose removal and as all of it is somewhat clunky I figured I might as well play a clunky card that also has some bonus synergy.
Soldier of the Pantheon and Mardu Woe Reaper are probably necessary evils just to get that one drop count up. They can offer a feeble amount of lifegain but no where close to being good on that basis. You cannot abuse these cards in the way you can with Soul's Attendant or Martyr of Sands and you need the abuse to properly empower the payoffs. These two additions are primarily 2/1's for one. They give you more early plays and help to empower your global buffs. They help you play like a white weenie deck a bit more and they give you some dorks you are happy to use in a disposable manner. The lifegain aspect of these cards probably just falls into the cute category again and mean that you would be better off with Thraben Inspector and Kytheon in those slots. Sacred Cat is another interesting option in the one drop slot going a bit deeper on the support aspect at the cost of being a less potent stand alone card.
Land Tax is something I wanted to run but didn't find the space for. Such sillyness would make me want to run a Kor Skyfisher which would then in turn make me consider Oketra's Monument and another cascade of changes goes down! Path to Exile coming back being the first of those in this case. Should the list show promise and be fun to play I will likely try out all the variants I can imagine.
As ever I have presented a list chock full of the most synergy options so as to showcase the range of the less commonly seen cards. In practice the refined build of this deck is going to have a handful of less exciting but wildly more powerful cube mainstays. While I am fairly sure of which cards I want to cut and the kinds of things they should be instead. I will test out this pushed linear version first. The weaknesses of the deck will be better exposed so I can best assess how to patch them up. The various support cards may also surprise me, I might find Lone Rider is exactly what the deck wants! Testing is essential but I find I learn more in the testing process if I form expectations on cards before doing so. I know what Selfless Spirit does and how it will help so I can use that slot in testing for something like the Lone Rider in one of the only lists it will ever be viable. Not only do I get to see what such a card can do I also get to see how savage the matchup is in the face of mass removal.
Challice of Life is perhaps something I should test out as well. It is fairly slow and doesn't have any overlap with the creature aspect of the deck but it is both a lifegain trigger and and a payoff card. This seems like it would be more effective at ending a game than the Soverign and more all round use than Lone Rider. While I want to test it out it is not a card I wish to replace a creature with and so it is a bit harder to find the room for. Honor the Pure is the thing I would cut for it from this test list but that is just for testing reasons. In practice I have no idea what slot this should take or if it even merits one.
Lastly for the alternate options for this list we have the black aspect. There are three fairly big payoff cards in black for lifegain although sadly two of them are five drops. The addition of black to this list makes it very top heavy and that in itself would need some significant adjusting to accommodate. A black version would either be more midrange with better odds of hitting land drops all the way to five perhaps even with some ramp, or it would cut much of the white top end. Blood Baron of Vizkopa and Divinity of Pride are high stand alone power cards and good game ending threats.
24 Spells
Serra Ascendant
Soul's Attendant
Soul Warden
Martyr of Sands
Legions Landing
Kythoen, Hero of Akros
Thraben Inspector
Mother of Runes
Sword to Plowshares
Auriok Champion
Ajani's Pridemate
Ayli, the Eternal Pilgrim
Selfless Spirit
Suture Priest
Serene Steward
Spectral Procession
Proclamation of Rebirth
Lingering Souls
Recruiter of the Guard
Ajani Goldmane
Sorin, Solemn Visitor
Faith's Fetters
Ranger of Eos
Archangel of Thune
16 Lands
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