Obviously with his costings Soulfire Grandmaster naturally slots into a Jeskai control deck but any UW base comfortably supports him. I recently got pretty handed by an Esper list packing it. Mostly it was Cryptic Command shutting down my attacks that ended the game but repeat Vindicates on my stuff and Esper Charms in my draw step also did a lot of work! A card that is a fine two drop yet pretty much says win the game if you have it in play with a load of mana and the appropriate card to cast with it is just nutty good. Here is an example list of a standard Jeskai inevitability control deck using Grandmaster.
22 Spells
Lightning Bolt
Swords to Plowshares
Elixir of Immortality
Fire / Ice
Lightning Helix
Soulfire Grandmaster
Wall of Omens
Lat-Nam's Legacy
Mantis Rider
Councils Judgement
Wing Shards
Cryptic Command
Supreme Verdict
Jace, Architect of Thought
Elspeth, Sun's Champion
Ugin, the Spirit Dragon
Bonfire of the Damned
Sphinx's Revelation
18 lands
The Impulse can be anything but I find you are best off running a tight ship with the things you really need and then firmly binding them together with cards like this rather than padding it out with high powered cards. Jace and Elspeth are both multi-purpose. Jace is more card draw and Elspeth is a bit of a Wrath but both help you stall really well and both can be a win mechanism should you have your Elixir plan shut down. More cheap countermagic would be really good. You have the card advantage to comfortably use Memory Lapse well and the resilience to take good advantage of Arcane Denial too. Mana Leak and the like I am less into as you want the game to go super long and so it becomes really rather dead.
Non-black control decks used to struggle against planeswalkers resolving. Red could sometimes burn them down but usually this was at the cost of taking a two for one or worse on the resolved walker. With Council's Judgement on top of the burn, some bounce, Ugin and the lovely Mantis Rider this particular non-black control deck does just fine against planeswalkers. As so many of your spells are cheap and/or instant yet do a lot of work combined with the various sources of lifegain you have in the deck you are much less often in a position where you are tapped out and forced to let a planeswalker resolve. Usually what happens is you don't have the counterspell although this is quite a lot better as people are often too scared to run their walker into the potential for countermagic.
As with Isochron Scepter decks, you very rarely ever need to win a game. Just so long as you can win most of the time people will save themselves a lot of pain and scoop well before it comes to that. All you need to do is live, survive and stall! Eventually you will have killed and exiled all their threats, shut them down with a Soulfire Grand Master or just be chain casting Sphinx's Revs and Elixirs gaining more life than you could lose!
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