I love a one drop beater, there is no way to get a better tempo boost than making an actual threat on turn one. A selection of the most powerful archetypes involve making reliable early pressure and then maintaining that slight tempo edge long enough to muscle a win. Mono black agro, red deck wins, white weenie, boros, zoo and many more less established or named decks are all variants on the simple theme of winning by making use of tempo. As a group of spells there is a higher proportion of one mana beaters that can easily do more than one per hit than any other group of spells say counter magic or burn spells that make the cube. Only the very weakest like Wild Dog that have too few good homes and have too inconsistent of a drawback are not powerful enough for cube play. One drop mana critters offer a tempo boost much like the pure beaters but in a slightly less direct way. You don't get the tempo boost by beating with your Llanowar Elf and so they won't be featured on this list.
10. Steppe Lynx
9. Basking Rootwalla
8. Isamaru, Hound of Konda
7. Carrion Feeder
6. Figure of Destiny
5. Student of Warfare
4. Gravecrawler
3. Wild Nacatl
2. Delver of Secrets
1. Goblin Guide
So, from the top Goblin Guide is the clear winner. Even the three power beaters take a couple of turns to apply as much damage as the Guide and have less surprise factor when drawn late game. Guide is damage right from the get go, is a healthy size, takes no more mana investments and gives you free information while getting his beat on. It is everything you want in a tempo one drop and has a drawback which often isn't one at all.
Delver sneaks in at number two despite having little other support creatures in blue. It is also very weak if you fail to flip it and have to play light creature count anyway to give reasonable odds on flipping it. Flying is so very good in magic and while not as tempo enhancing as haste it has more reach, utility and longevity as the game progresses. On top of this three power is very rare for a one mana investment. Not a consistent card but when you do flip it you have quite an unreasonable edge.
Gravecrawler is a fully acceptable 2/1 for one with the added perk of recursion. This makes him good tempo early and offers great synergy and some inevitability too. Not being able to block is relevant in agro on agro games but generally is not relevant to the kinds of deck using it. In black you would happily trade a toughness and the inability to block in order to not lose a life a turn in the really agro decks. You do have to spend extra mana to make him any better than a Savannah Lion but the ball is in your court with that choice and it is not a big cost.
Isamaru is your standard 2/2 for one with no drawback. For big things being legendary is a huge downfall with clone effects and Karakas being a royal pain but one mana critters are not too bothered by such things. Indeed Karakas is often really good for your little Hound of Konda and protects it well. Not an exciting card and offering no other synergy beyond Karakas protection but is reliable and has all the core elements of a one drop tempo beater. The extra toughness over Savannah Lions and Elite Vanguard is nice but not always enough to outweigh the creature type synergy of the latter.
Basking Rootwalla is rarely played in the most balls out agro decks and tends to find himself in quirky agro decks trying to maintain high card advantage instead. Because of the mana requirement to make him a 3/3 you lose tempo rather than gain it by pumping early. He is still fine to have around just nibbling away for one as you often get him for free both to cast and as a card, he is hard to block and is a fine dump for spare mana. He will supplement things like Overrun and has some very nice synergy with cards like Vengevine and Fauna Shaman. Just the other day I lost a game to a 4/5 Rootwalla courtesy of Pendlehaven. A card with a lot of uses that will aid the tempo aspect of various engines.
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