I love to base a deck around a new mechanic and despite this deck pre-dating when I started this blog it serves as a good example of that. These kinds of new mechanic style deck very rarely make the A cube as many mechanics are limited to a single block and thus don't have anywhere near the required depth. This means that the decks are slightly underpowered due to including a whole bunch of weak mechanic key word cards that would otherwise never see play. Those cards in turn never being in the A cube don't get a chance to really shine and so as a tribute to cool mechanics at least gives them an opportunity to strut their stuff with the big boys of magic!
I lost every round with this deck rather unsurprisingly although it put up an impressive fight and was refreshingly different and fun. A control poison proliferate deck was also tried but after horribly losing to Necropotence it felt a lot less fun. This deck was full of cards that had very little synergy with each other and were at cross purposes much of the time. I did however manage to cram as many different things with counters in as possible. When your deck can't be tier one you may as well get as much testing of different cards in different situations done! When setting out to build a silly fun deck it is rather a surprise when it puts up a competitive showing. The deck was a quirky agro deck that sacrificed a lot of tempo and consistency for proliferate synergy and trickery.
25 Spells
Everflowing Chalice
Engineered Explosives
Mox Opal
Enclave Cryptologist
Arcbound Worker
Stromkirk Noble
Arcbound Ravager
Power Conduit
Kargan Dragonlord
Lighthouse Chronologist
Pentad Prism
Thrumming Bird
Umezawa's Jitte
Throne of Geth
Keldon Marauders
Tumble Magnet
Volt Charge
Steady Progress
Tangle Wire
Jace Beleren
Trinket Mage
Tezzeret's Gambit
15 Land
Sandstone Needles
Saprazzan Skerry
Great Furnace
Seat of the Synod
Izzet Boilerworks
Cascade Bluffs
Steam Vents
Volcanic Island
Scalding Tarn
Shivan Reef
Inkmoth Nexus
Darksteel Citadel
2 Islands
While I might have been stomped on for my silly deck I got more satisfaction from the few wins it managed than I do from auto piloting a known power archetype to a flawless victory. Fun is the aim of playing games after all and so I can heartily recommend using the cube as your forum to scratch all those itches to build silly decks around silly cards.
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