I have come across a somewhat impure solution that seems more effective than I would imagine for a deck with so few one and two drops. I call it impure as it doesn't really function as a control deck from about turn five and instead makes powerful threats of its own. It also has Kitchen Finks which suited the deck well but does still feel like you are in 3 colours... The idea is to have sufficient high quality cheap control cards to ensure you make it to the mid game at which point you can start to throw powerful threats into the mix. The more agro decks won't be able to deal with the number and high power of your threats and will lose due to having to play very inefficiently with their cheaper and less powerful cards. The slower grind control decks with card advantage engines to support them late game won't be able to deal with your threats as you also have some cheap disruption for their thinly spread answers. Essentially you gain such a tempo advantage in the mid game that they cannot recover in order take it to the late game where they do have the edge. This means when playing most other control decks you have to assume the role of the aggressor from the outset.
More classic versions of blue white control have run far fewer threats in favour of reliable and redundant answers. One of the main problems with this strategy was that as the format gained more and more tenacious, cheap and high tempo threats the deck needed to run more and more things like Force Spike simply to ensure it could maintain enough control in the early game. You never really want to just throw away a threat to equalize the tempo when you just have a couple of them and so you cannot afford to enter the mid game on the back foot too much. As you fill up your deck with great early plays you lose average card power level and your late game really suffers to the point of losing games in which you have stabilized but then failed to draw much of significance there after. This can be remedied with card quality spells to some extent however these are still extra cards that are neither threats or answers and that will cost you mana and tempo to make use of.
The main aim with this build was to minimise on the number of cards which scale poorly as the game progresses, are narrow in application or simply have low power. This mostly meant I had about 5 less one and two drops than I am used to running. This was also the first ever cube constructed UW control deck I have ever seen built without a Wrath of God.
23 Spells
Swords to Plowshares
Path to Exile
Land Tax
Wall of Omens
Arcane Denial
Snapcaster Mage
Sea Gate Oracle
Vendilion Clique
Kitchen Finks
Oblivion Ring
Cryptic Command
Elspeth, Knight Errant
Restoration Angel
Gideon Jura
Timayo, the Moon Sage
Baneslayer Angel
Austere Command
17 Land
Celestial Colonnade
Hallowed Fountain
Adakar Wastes
Mystic Gate
Flooded Strand
4 Plains
7 Islands
I deliberately chose to play Actual Counterspell over Mana Drain and to exclude Jace, the Mind Sculptor despite both obviously being outstanding in the deck. The former was simply to see more of how the deck would work without the occasional free win you get from the early Mana Drain into big threat. The omission of Jace was to see how far you could push the miracle mechanic in terms of lack of support and still have it be worthwhile. It turns out a Brainstorm and a Snapcaster Mage with occasional card quality from Vendilion Clique are enough to make the miracles outstanding. Terminus in particular as it is quite affordable for its normal cost and so requires the support much less than Mastery. The 4-6 mana power cards don't really matter all that much and should all be able to do a great deal on their own. Generally you should just go for the best cards you can grab and worry a little less about making them overly synergic with the low end of the deck.
Not the hardest deck to build and not the most elegant of designs but it will give you a chance to play some good long magic. It will let you re-live the nostalgic days of counter-post (if that means nothing to you then you are too young to be retiring to the cube and should go PTQ some more) and not get smashed for trying it. The more you try to avoid playing creatures the more you struggle and old school control players seem a little slow in accepting this.
Great post as always. Keep up the good blog.