Sunday 2 June 2024

Art Set Spoilers


I have been teasing the "Art Set" for nearly a year now. A top down homemade set inspired by famous art and artists. Here are the spoilers for the finished article. Or at least the alpha set to playtest! Even with the prior experience of the Homemade cube I am expecting there to be plenty of room to improve and/or expand.

There are 520 new spells, plus 90 lands that are mechanically copies of the designs in the Homemade cube but given art befitting the Art Set. We actually made over a thousand cards for the Art Set and cherry picked the best and most suitable of those to form the set. Being a top down design meant this over production was a sensible approach so as to best attempt to have all bases covered. 

Very excited to see how this plays out. I am assuming it will be rather more like a standard set that most cubes. It is certainly lower power than any cube I have played. I think I should probably shut up waffling on about it now and let the cards do the talking;












Art Set Black


U set



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