I raved pretty hard about the potency of Thassa's Oracle in the preliminary reviews. It may have performed pretty well in some constructed settings but the jury is still rather out on it in regards to cube. Without the possibility of it as a win condition it is not worth playing in cube. A 1/3 with a bit of a scry effect is just not powerful enough as seen with Omenspeaker. I liken Oracle a lot to Brain Freeze, a highly powerful and reasonably uninteractive win condition for combo decks. A blue two mana option at that. Brain Freeze can be powerful in cube but you need to support it and it is dull for opponents. Toss it in my midrange unpowered cube and it is not going to do much of anything though. However unlike for Brain Freeze I handily I have most of the support cards you need for one type of Oracle deck already in my cube. The only card I had to add to support it was Jace, Wielder of Mysteries. The supported archetype is one of the least combo builds on offer and simply tries to survive long enough to draw through the deck. The deck is very powerful, it competes fine against the aggressive decks and bodies most slower things. The issue you have is needing to have the parts of which there is relatively little redundancy. This puts it somewhat in the same sort of camp as Splinter Twin in regards the draft. The smaller your cube, or at least the greater percentage of it that you use, the better of an include it is in terms of function. This list is certainly quite fun to play with although as with most blue decks, probably less fun to play against. Even so, clearly more fun all round when compared to Splinter Twin or any Brain Freeze list!
In a combo cube Thassa's Oracle is great, it can serve as a win condition in a lot of settings for loads of archetypes while also having it's own deck akin to Inverter decks in pioneer. It is perfect in that regard, a two card combo with at least 2, ideally 3 decent bits of redundancy on both ends. It is the Dimir variant of Twin. It is more fun to play against as well as there is more counterplay, greater risk in the combo, and it is slower. I have not added any of the cards like Paradigm Shift or Inverter to my cube as they are such useless cards anywhere other than the one combo archetype. I also do not run pure combo decks in my main cube, the rock paper scissors dynamic works much more consistently and affords far better games with aggro midrange and control than it does when combo is there edging out the midrange. The advantage of the Simic Oracle build I have here is that all the support cards for Oracle are good in their own right and do not harm the consistency of the cube with their inclusion.
There is one other place I have had success with Oracle in my non-combo cube and that is in classic blue style control decks. It shines against the slower decks where having a card that wins the game for two mana is incredibly easy to force through. It gives a really big edge in the control mirror and not far off forces the other player to adopt the role of the aggressor. Against aggro you really want to tie up the game as quickly as you can after stabilizing for which Oracle is pretty poor. Luckily it is a 1/3 blocker on the cheap that helps smooth your early draws. Sadly because of that matchup's use you cannot just replace all your win conditions with control cards and the Oracle. If you could then Oracle would be one of the best cards for your blue control decks. As it stands it is a bit low impact to seem worth it. In the slower matches it just sits in your hand gumming up the works and in the aggro matches it is a bit sub par when compared to things like the Birth of Meletis, likely even Fblthp. You really want good card quality if you are running Oracle in your control decks so that you can reliably not have it early when you need it to be a win condition. So while in control mirrors it is one of the best possible cards as it gives you a cheap win condition, lets you dedicate more deck space to other things, and makes your card draw spells not suffer diminishing returns, those perks cannot be realized overall as you still need to build your control deck in a way that is good in the other matchups.
The Simic list is therefore looking like the best and main hope for Oracle staying the course in my cube. Much as I like the list for being rather different in strategy to anything else I have played in cube it does also need to perform very well without being oppressive which is a fine line to walk. Here is an iteration of a Simic Oracle deck as you could draft it in my cube presently;
24 Spells
Mental Note
Search for Tomorrow
Birds of Paradise
Thassa's Oracle
The Binding of the Titans
Grapple with the Past
Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
Wall of Blossoms
Satyr Wayfinder
Icefang Coatle
Coiling Oracle
Arcane Denial
Eternal Witness
Jadelight Ranger
Champion of Wits
Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath
Courser of Kruphix
Jace, Wielder of Mysteries
Oracle of Mul Daya
Glen Elandra Archmage
16 Lands
The list I have here is drawing through the deck about as fast as you can do without just folding to any sort of opponent. With that speed of mill and clogging up the board as it does so well this build crushes midrange decks. It puts up a decent fight against the control decks with a bit of counter magic, a bit of pressure, the good potential clock and the reliability of getting to these things. Aggro is the worst matchup for this list. It is very easy to race directly for an aggro player and not all that hard to punch through the defenses. They will slow an aggressor but for the most part they will not be too problematic. At best they make the race even. Mostly they afford some targets for removal and they don't buy quite enough time. I had some great games against white weenie that I lost 2-1 but every single game was within one turn of the other winning. It was not all on the play wins either.
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