So this is more the formation of an archetype rather than a finished version. It also comes with some brief history regarding the conceptualization process! It began three or four years ago with a merfolk tribal deck a friend was mashing me with. One of the standout cards of the deck was Triton Shorestalker and this came as a surprise as the deck had lots of ways of giving islandwalk to things and even making lands into islands. It seemed like a redundant (in the bad sense) effect on an otherwise low power card. That unexpected performance stuck with me and made me take note of Mist-Cloaked Herald when it was spoiled. That is the good kind of redundancy, multiple cheap cards doing the same specific thing. Without both Bogle and Gladecover Scout the modern auras deck wouldn't be viable for example. I was wondering how I was going to try and abuse this new redundancy in one drops afforded to merfolk. Then that standard deck using Curious Obsession arose and showed us exactly how we should be trying to abuse such cards. The thing is, merfolk are already vulnerable to removal and are not really looking for Curious Obsession effects to increase that particular weakness. I didn't see how I was making a merfolk deck that was enhanced by Curious Obsession.
Then the final piece of the puzzle slowly slotted into place in a more removed way. It was essentially the unexpected result of an error on my part in reviews. I was getting all excited about Rustwing Falcon and made the claim that it was the first evasive one drop with two toughness. A friend who had been playing limited during Amonkhet pointed me in the direction of Slither Blade to prove me wrong. I had overlooked it entirely when spoiled due to not being a merfolk and it turns out I had done exactly the same with Gudul Lurker a few years before that. Suddenly we had gone from a couple of aimless unblockable merfolk to having an impressive four one drops of redundancy not tribally linked. I could build a Curious Obsession style blue deck and cast off the tribal shackles! This is one of the only times I have come to a deck idea in this way, it more bottom up than top down. Either way, it feels a bit alien to me doing things backwards to usual.
Now I have always loved a mono blue aggro deck but they have always really struggled to compete. They put up a great game against midrange, control and combo but they tend to get battered by the other aggro decks. There are several reasons for this and they have historically spanned all iterations of aggressive blue decks. One is the classic lack of suitable removal that makes cards like Mother of Runes, Deathrite Shaman and Grim Lavamancer a monumental headache. The other was simply lack of playable one drops. You can barely scrape together four decent blue one drop beaters and they typically have poor synergy with each other. A white deck can pack 16 comfortably and still have no cards weaker than those the blue player scraping four together has to run! Well, if you can find a way of empowering the 1/1 unblockable suitably then you vastly increase the quantity of decent one drops blue has on offer which solves the biggest issue it currently has. Especially as this also has a high chance of making all the one power fliers in blue that much more likely to scale up as well.
The lack of removal has historically been solved by crutch cards. Umezawa's Jitte and Vedalken Shackles being the main two. These clunky cards would give the blue decks a bit of game against the other aggro decks but it was a very polar strategy. It is both a bit dull to play all the time and it is restrictive on builds. There is more artifact removal floating about now so as to counter these crutches but there is also a bit more in the way of options on such things which at least makes it a bit less polar such as Walking Ballista. Moxes and Aether Vial were often used to counter the lack of one drop situation and these are also rather polar cards. Leaning on all these wildly varied the performance of things and made for a bit of a silly deck. At the very least trying to abuse an unblockable theme is going to greatly increase the consistency of aggro blue even if it doesn't inject a bunch of extra power.
Here is the list I ran with in my attempt to take advantage of the cheap evasive blue dudes. There are loads of subtle direction changes and tweaks you can make and a bunch more you simply should. I will cover those and provide an improved list after.
25 Spells
Triton Shorestalker
Gudul Lurker
Mist-Cloaked Herald
Cloudfin Raptor
Siren Stormtamer
Mausoleum Wanderer
Dive Down
Bloodforged Battle-Axe
Curious Obsession
Sigil of Sleep
Invisible Stalker
Surge Mare
Looter il-Kor
Legacy's Alure
Thalakos Seer
Throne of the God-Pharaoh
Jace, Cunning Castaway
Tempest Djinn
Thassa, God of the Sea
Grand Architect
Hall of Triumph
Master of Waves
Bident of Thassa
15 Islands
So the cards I would cut are fairly easy. Bident of Thassa was complete overkill. I don't need the card draw, I am getting that from cheaper things and I am trying to race anyway, I shouldn't be getting card advantage from my top end. Even the force through damage aspect of Bident is useless as my guys are all unblockabe anyway! Bident seems nicely on theme but it just isn't what you need either. Jace is nice in this list but he probably has to go. He is a bit slow and perhaps a bit too fair on the power levels. He forces you to play a game of blockers and protecting and that isn't really what you are good at. I like Jace in this list but I am pretty sure that is a bias, I am sure the best versions of this deck wont run him. Or at least they won't run that Jace if they do!
Everything else I was more of a fan of and would have to be well persuaded before cutting. I guess that isn't true, I would fairly happily cut a land from this list, perhaps even two if we are replacing one of them with Gitaxian Probe! The deck operates on few mana fairly well, has a big of dig and draw it gets online cheaply. It also has loads of very cheap low value cards so flooding is pretty devastating. The risk reward balance for this list very much pushes you towards being greedy on the mana base and I didn't really take that into account in my first build. Having the Bident made it better to curve out a bit more and it obscured the problem of too many lands as well by overdrawing. Cutting it and lands is a good plan.
Beating the midrange creature decks is very easy and can be done handily with a spot of bounce. This is well aided by a smattering of the more general countermagic too. Pierce, Daze and that sort of thing. Beating the token and weenie decks this way however is a total non-starter. Really you have two options. Either you accept those as likely losses or you directly hose them. Sadly direct hosing trashes your other matchups, isn't all that much fun and is still quite hard to do. Legacy's Allure was a decent way of getting some nice early tempo and disruption on the aggressive decks that wasn't dead in other matchups quite as much as most other hoser cards are. Good though it was it isn't close to enough to help with the go-wide lists out there.
Before wrapping this up I want to have a quick look at some of the more interesting cards in the deck that I liked and would try and keep in my various future builds. Throne of the God-Pharaoh was a nice touch and is better than War Horn would have been in several ways. Obviously it is cheaper but it can also work for you when guys are not attacking. Yet another strong synergy card to go with Grand Architect! Throne also works with vehicles nicely but I think I would rather empower it with Mothdust Changeling! It is not that vehicles are bad for this deck, more that they scale poorly with global buffs and equipment and this list is leaning on those things a little hard already. The loss of power on your dorks from Throne versus War Horn matters little as your damage output is the same with both and there isn't blocking going on.
27 Spells
Gitaxian Probe
Triton Shorestalker
Gudul Lurker
Mist-Cloaked Herald
Judge's Familiar
Siren Stormtamer
Mausoleum Wanderer
Bloodforged Battle-Axe
Curious Obsession
Sigil of Sleep
Invisible Stalker
Looter il-Kor
Throne of the God-Pharaoh
Umezawa's Jitte
Walking Ballista
Tempest Djinn
Thassa, God of the Sea
Grand Architect
Hall of Triumph
Master of Waves
Whirler Rogue
Force of Will
13 Islands
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