The idea is simply to win through drawing cards. Although you rely on getting your Laboratory Maniac into play before you deck yourself the fact that you plan to draw through your deck means you don't need to bother assembling your combo, it will just appear. What it does mean sadly is that you have to include a card that has a 3 mana price tag and draws no cards which hurts your overall possible draw per mana and per card. This deck will be a lot slower than the mill or burn options but it does have some perks as well.
We mostly want cheap cards, ideally loads and loads of one drops so that we can reliably spend out mana every turn. That being said we are planning to go to seven lands meaning we are able to pack a few expensive cards if we want. A Fact or Fiction clears five cards for four mana and is therefor slightly more effective than one mana cyclers at depleting your library. It also should get you at least two cards which in turn will allow you to include more things like Careful Study.
If we just play draw effects plus our Lab Maniac we are going to be cold to so many things stopping our combo not to mentioned out raced by anything at all quick. We are going to have to use some of our deck to help us stay alive and to protect the Lab Maniac itself. This will take away form the purity of the deck a little but ultimately won't stop this exercise being useful. We still need the right averages so we can still tailor the best balance using some math regardless of whether or not we are playing a Force of Will. Testing might reveal we need more or less protection/disruption but the maths will always be there to tell us how to balance the list around what else we want.
I have kept this list mono blue for purity and simplicity sake however I am pretty sure that the inclusion of Demonic Consultation is a must if you are seriously considering playing a deck like this in any sort of cube setting. You can pull off a turn two win with a Mox, a Gitaxian Probe and a very lucky Consultation. With something like an Impulse or scry you could look to setup the Consultation to one-shot your library too.
13 Lands
4 Ux Sac
9 Islands
27 Spells
Gitaxian Probe
Careful Study
Mental Note
Serum Visions
Visions of Beyond
Conjurer's Bauble
Slight of Hand
Strategic Planning
Compelling Argument
Arcane Denial
Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
Frantic Search
Laboratory Maniac
Time Warp
Temporal Manipulation
Force of Will
Treasure Cruise
This is my first draft for the list however there are many many more potential options to refine and tweak it with. Overall this list has an average CMC of just below one (assuming the cheapest modes on the top end) which is about 1.3 average CMC per spell. That means you have the mana for 21 spells on average by turn seven. This means you need 26/21 (roughly 1.25) draw/mill per cards on average to be able to deplete your library in that time. Sadly for this list to get to 1.25 draw/mill per card on average you have to assume the top end performance from most cards. The reality is more likely to prohibit some of the most potent effects from being safe plays. You can certainly add some more draw to the list but it will not be high draw per mana as the best of those are in. There is a little more wiggle room in the cost than there is in the draw aspect of the build at least. Putting in more draw would also mean losing a number of the safety cards like Force of Will and Spellskite which would drastically reduce your ability to win.
Self Mill is a mixed blessing in this list. While it is incredibly potent in depleting your library for the cost it is not a safe way to play unless you know where you Maniac is. You do have the Bauble as a way to get the Maniac back if he finds himself in the graveyard but it is more a solution to hand disruption than your own self mill. The more safety effects like the Bauble you have the more reckless you can be with self mill. The cheap ones cycle and mill so little you can often set them up to be safe with Ponder and the like. Compelling Argument is a new gem for this deck that lets you do whatever you need at the time, it is the best flex card for the list. For just two mana it can lop 5 off your deck or it can cycle for a nice cheap one mana. When you have some gas and the Maniac in a known place you can go ham, if not you can play safe.
This list should perform a lot better than it looks like it should! It will have plenty of very good matchups and isn't totally cold to anything. It is a pure race deck that is slower than a creature zerg deck, a burn deck or a rush mill deck. While it may be the slowest of the options for linear and uninteractive game plans it has one big thing going for it. Drawing cards is a good thing to do before it is a win condition! For one, it means you can fit in some disruption without hurting youself and thus offset your speed issues. You will have a lot more control over the flow of the game with all your selection. You will see your whole deck and quickly meaning that despite having relatively few tools to slow your opponents or force through your combo it doesn't matter as you will typically have access to all of them by turn seven. This deck is a combo engine deck but it is also still very like a burn deck or a pure mill deck. It should be a lot of fun to draw your way to the win and should entail a lot of play skill, especially compared to a burn deck!
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