The prize support is not huge for a Grand Prix, the difference between coming 4-8th and coming 1st is $3.5k or so, the diff between 4-8th and 3rd/4th is only $500. The difference between having a top rate Burst Lightning in your deck and some weak generic filler dork isn't going to do much more than shift your win percentage by 2 resulting in a match win percentage looking more like 4. The might returns on 4% of $500 is a tenth that of the Goyf, sure there is more for grabs later on but as you have to win the previous rounds the contributions from the matchup % differences do not add up to much.
It later transpired the Goyf grabber was knocked out by his opponent ripping the card he should have picked. Equally funny and some good karma but not maliciously, just in the sense that it is a good storey. Amused as I was I didn't care about him being knocked out, much like I didn't care that he picked the Goyf and much like I wouldn't have cared had he won. Had I been in that top 8, playing green and receiving the pack from said Goyf grabber than likely I would have cared a whole lot more. I wasn't and I didn't. I am one magic anecdote up and it cost me nothing more than the time to hear about it.
Our hero of the storey is not done yet with karmic justice however. After the event is all done he places the foil Goyf on e-bay and in a genius move pledges to give half the proceeds to charity. With all the fuss surrounding the incident it attracted attention and quickly flew past the $200 or so normal value for a foil Goyf. We are now sat at just under $16k with several days left to go on the auction. Even after the charity cut our hero is looking at double what he would have received for winning the Grand Prix! All those people getting on their high horses, saying mean things and taking a game way too seriously somewhat have egg on face. They certainly helped get the bids up nice and high.
There are many lessons in this series of events. Be nice and don't get over zealous about fairly minor things would be one. The most significant one is that MtG is dangerously expensive to get into and play with cards worth far too much. If the prizes of one of the biggest tournaments going isn't incentive enough to get people playing the game as intended then there is an issue. The high value of certain cards used in tournament play greatly hinders the game at all levels, including as we have seen, the very highest.
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